Monday, February 11, 2008

Why Oh Why

Why did I suddenly take Peanut Butter down?

A gold star for the correct answer.


Unknown said...

SCM found your file on your 'puter!


Nicki said...

I'm with D - and I would love to have heard the conversation after THAT. I don't think all the bi-polar meds in the world could have held him in check.

razorbeck said...

sorry but you are wrong

she took it down because lacks the true asshole gene. it is generally passed down the male line and it is noted by the ability to do exactly what you want regardless of how it affects anyone else

add to that the empathy gene always more pronounced in the matriarcal species and it was almost inevitable.

to paraphrase she took it down because she lacks the ability to tell SCM to fuck off and die and ........mean it

sorry Chris but i warned you about the crude and innoportune comments lol

Libby said...

ummm...cuz....ummmm...cuz...maybe one of your employees found it?